I Couldn’t Believe My Eye’s! Foodbuzz Top 9!!!


I guess my saying “Work Hard Play Hard” is proving itself once more! 😀 I’m so honored. Stunned, Shocked… Did I say stunned!? 2 Blog rewards in ONE WEEK!  First I get a Liebster Blog Award on Valentines Day and 3 days later a Foodbuzz Top 9 for my recipe “Elena’s Saffron & Honey Buffalo Drumsticks”

Thank you so much for all who buzzed my recipes. This means a lot to me. I’m s speechless… I’m gonna go cry now!

I’ve Been LIEBSTER’ED! My Very First Blog Award

Hi Everyone!


Jason, Over at Griffin’s Grub awarded me with The Liebster Award for being one of his top 5 favorite new blogs.  I can’t begin to express the excitement I experienced in receiving this award especially from such an admired and respected Chef. Thank you Chef Jason!! I have never won an award for any of my blogs… I guess this is a good start! I was very shocked when I saw your post this morning. So shocked that I was actually incoherent! 😀


The Liebster Blog Award originated from Germany and it means “Favorite, Beloved, Dearest”

The Rules are:

1) Show Thanks to the Blogger who awarded you by linking back to her/his blog.

2) Pick 5 Blogs with less than 200 followers and let them know about your nomination by leaving a comment on their blog.

3) Post the award on your blog!

My 5 nominations:

  1. Pasta Princess & More
  2. College Culinista
  3. The Healthy Bites
  4. MustComeHungry
  5. Brown Sugar 


Make sure to go and check out their blogs. Enjoy!